Sunday, May 11, 2014

OPEN HEAVENS FOR SUNDAY 11TH MAY, 2014 TITLED: Covetousness is Deadly


Memorise: But godliness with contentment is great gain.

READ: 1Kings 21: 1-19 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 24;Psalm 103: 11-22

One of the commandments of God that must not be neglected is the injunction against covetousness (Exodus 20:17, Luke 12:15). Covetousness denotes having a strong desire for things that belong to other people. This act is condemned in the strongest possible terms in scriptures (Ephesians 5:3, Colossians 3:5). Covetousness can take the form of having a strong desire for another man’s money, goods, properties, spouse, position or title. Covetousness is insidious. It spreads gradually without being noticed, eventually causing serious harm. It is very destructive. Covetousness is organic. It happens in a slow, natural way. It spreads and grows so fast that before a covetous person realises his state, the situation would have almost become irreversible. Covetousness is deadly. It is capable of destroying both the coveter and the person whose properties he or she desires. Covetousness is a spiritual disease, and a contagious one at that. A bosom friend of a covetous person may end up becoming covetous because “can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Many evils and crimes are traceable to covetousness, as seen in our Bible reading today.

Going through scriptures, we can identify many fruits of covetousness. In Genesis 31:41, covetousness was responsible for the oppression Jacob faced in Laban’s house. Jacob was the son-in-law of Laban. He served him faithfully as a shepherd, yet Laban was still covetous of the little Jacob had, so much so that he made life unbearable for him. History is on record that several wars were caused by covetousness, and several people have been mercilessly oppressed because of this sin. Another fruit of covetousness is theft (Joshua 7:21) and robbery (1 Kings 20:6). Achan in Joshua 7:24-25 lost his life and the lives of his wife and children to covetousness. In 1 Kings 20:1-6, Benhadad the king of Syria waged war against Israel because of covetousness. The prevailing problems of robbery, piracy, militancy, terrorism and other issues of insecurity are traceable to covetousness. Covetousness is also responsible for meanness as seen in the case of Naboth and Ahab. Many cases of meanness on earth are traceable to covetousness. It is also responsible for unscrupulousness and scoffing (2 Kings 5:20, Luke 16:14).

A born-again child of God should not be covetous because covetousness is not a fruit of the Spirit. Covetousness can result in serious family trouble (Proverbs 15:27). It leads to disappointment (Ecclesiastes 5:10), folly (Jeremiah 17:11), apostasy (1 Timothy 6:10) and misery (1 Kings 21:4). To avoid covetousness, examine your life on a daily basis and repent whenever a trait of covetousness is noticed.

Action Point: Are you covetous? Do a personal assessment and repent if need be.

Source: OPEN HEAVENS VOLUME 14, 2014 by Pastor E.A Adeboye

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